Special Mute Records 'God is Electricity' event in Jerusalem

MUTE Mute Records (Depeche Mode, Laibach, Erasure Nitzer Ebb, ...) will present a collection of music videos as a special free public event, at the 5th European Conference of Complex Systems to be held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The motivation behind this event is to show the interconnections between art and music, science, ideology and spiritualism. "God is Electricity" is a video projection session, which will focus on the more experimental artists on the label, featuring videos from Laibach, Recoil, The Residents, Einstuerzende Neubauten as well as some surprises. A Mute representative (Robert Schilling) will host the program.

This is a free event and will take place at the Wise Auditorium in the Givat Ram Campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, on the 15th of September at 8PM. For more info check .


Pull In Emergency veröffentlichen Single

follow-7inch Ein brandneues "Mute Irregulars"-Release ist ab sofort erhältlich. Die Single "Follow" / "Why Aren't You Dancing?" von Pull In Emergency ist ab sofort als Download bei iTunes erhältlich. Die gleichnamige 7" (IRREG18) gibt es u.a. bei

Depeche Mode verlassen WARNER

DM_news_2008 berichtet heute, dass DEPECHE MODE die "Warner Music Group" verlassen werden. Eine offizielle Stellungnahme seitens der Band, bzw. des Labels liegt derzeit aber noch nicht vor.

Über die Warner Music Group

Im Mai 2005 wurde die Warner Music Group (WMG) zum einzigen unabhängigen und an der Börse notierten Musikunternehmen der USA. Bei der Warner Music Group stehen viele Stars von heute sowie ehemalige Künstlerlegenden unter Vertrag. Zudem vereint das Unternehmen unter seinem Dach eine Reihe der renommiertesten Plattenfirmen der Branche. Dazu zählen Atlantic, Bad Boy, Elektra, Lava, Maverick, Nonesuch, Reprise, Rhino, Rykodisc, Sire, Warner Bros. und Word. Warner Music International, ein führender Anbieter mit einem nationalen und internationalen Repertoire, arbeitet mit zahlreichen internationalen Tochterfirmen und Lizenznehmern in über 50 Ländern zusammen.

Hier der Text im Original :

Longtime British Best-Sellers Follow Other Supergroups

July 31, 2008

Another one flees the Bunny patch.
The latest high-profile act to sever ties with Warner Music Group is Depeche Mode.

The veteran English band is managed by Jonathan Kessler, who brought them to Mute Records in 1980, while in the States the band has been on Sire/WB since that time.

Outside the U.S., Depeche has been with EMI since it acquired Mute in 2002, and the group continues to sell records and do big business on the road, especially in Europe, but the principals decided to sever ties with Warner domestically after concluding that they’d been under-served by the Tom Whalley regime.

Depeche now joins a prestigious crew of defectors that includes AC/DC, the Eagles, Jewel, Madonna and, most recently, Nickelback, leading many to wonder who will be the next major act to exit stage right.

Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds : Re-Releases

NICK_CAVE_20070308 Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds and Mute announce the first four albums in a series that will see the band's entire album catalogue digitally re-mastered and remixed in 5.1 surround sound.

"From Her To Eternity", "The First Born Is Dead", "Kicking Against The Pricks" and "Your Funeral, My Trial" are set to be released at the end of the year.

Each deluxe double-disc collector's edition contains the re-mastered stereo album, the new surround mix, a specially commissioned short film made by acclaimed UK artists Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard plus the b-sides from the singles and exclusive sleeve notes.

Quelle :


laibach "Pop music is for sheep and we are shepherds disguised as wolves". Laibach

LAIBACH announce details of a new DVD release, VOLK DEAD IN TRBOVLJE, out on 28th July 2008.

The DVD marks the end of the extensive tour based on Laibach’s acclaimed album, VOLK, a collection of interpretations of national anthems which includes the national anthem for NSK, the State in time without territory and national boundaries which Laibach have been linked with since its formation in 1992.

On the album, Laibach uncovering a common ground linking the nations, a shared patriotic sentiment based around the bloody and violent foundations of nation which here, can be heard in the lyrics and pomp of the largely hymnal tracks. By reinterpreting the music and translating the lyrics of each anthem, the band have not only shown us this common ground, they have also offered up a very pertinent comment on today's political situation and a warning for future generations.

VOLK DEAD IN TRBOVLJE shows their concert in Trbovlje, Slovenia, the industrial town associated with the birthplace of Laibach in 1980.

As a bonus, the DVD offers a collection of some of the most relevant screens that were projected during the show, animated stories of some of the most important songs. The Laibach music videos associated with VOLK are part of the content too. The project ends with a tour medley, a short video commentary as a souvenir from some of the places where Laibach have toured with VOLK.

DVD: (NTSC All Regions)

01. Germania
02. America
03. Anglia
04. Rossiya
05. Francia
06. Italia
07. España
08. Yisra'el
09. Türkiye
10. Zhonghuá
11. Nippon
12. Slovania
13. NSK
14. Tanz Mit Laibach
15. Alle Gegen Alle
16. Du Bist Unser
17. Hell: Symmetry
18. Achtung!
19. Das Spiel Ist Aus
20. Laibach Medley
21. Germania (Screen)
22. Anglia (Video)
23. Rossiya (Video)
24. Francia (Screen)
25. España (Screen)
26. Türkiye (Video)
27. Zhonghuá (Screen)
28. Nippon (Screen)
29. Slovania (Video)
30. Vaticanae (Screen)
31. Volk Tour Medley

Kat.Nr.: 5099921305399
Format: DVD-Video Album
VÖ: 25.07.08

Quelle :

Richard Hawley and the Feral Cats - Rockabilly Radio

rockabillyradio "Rockabilly Radio" is released as a very special one-sided 10". Featuring Richard Hawley and the Feral Cats, this track featured in the UK horror film 'Flick', about the resurrection of a Teddy Boy from the 50's who returns from beyond the grave to find his teenage sweetheart and seek revenge for his death.

Richard Hawley and the Feral Cats - Rockabilly Radio

10" - 10MUTE402 / Release: Mon 14 Jul 2008

Track Listing

1. Rockabily Radio (From The Film 'Flick') - Richard Hawley and the Feral Cats

XFM : Mute Documentary

MUTE Der Londoner Radiosender XFM hat auf seiner Website eine kleine Dokumentation über MUTE veröffentlicht, welche man sich dort anhören kann.

Daniel Miller, Labelgründer und "Ziehvater" von Depeche Mode, spricht dort über Mute, Depeche Mode, Erasure und mehr. Den ganzen Beitrag findet man HIER

Wer sich die Dokumentation herunterladen möchte, kann alternativ folgenden Link (RAPIDSHARE) benutzen.

Interview mit Vince Clarke auf

vince_clarke_2008 Am 30. Mai 2008 führte ein Interview mit Vince Clarke, welcher sich derzeit mit Alison Moyet auf grosser "Reconnected"-Tour befindet.

YAZOO befinden sich zum ersten Mal seit 25 Jahren auf Tour und brachten ausserden ein im Mai auf MUTE erschienenes 4-Disc-Box-Set namens "In Your Room" heraus, welches neben zahlreichen Raritäten ausserdem die beiden Alben "Upstairs At Eric’s" und "You And Me Both" in neuem 5.1 Sound enthalten wird ! Das komplette Interview findet ihr HIER

Nick Cave The Bad Seeds : Video zu "More News from Nowhere"

nick_cave_videoclip Das Video zu Nick Caves aktueller Single "More News from Nowhere" wurde in der Londoner Soho Revue Bar gedreht, wie auch schon beim vorigen Video führten die Künstler Iain Forsyth und Jane Pollard Regie.

Peaches Geldof, Beth Orton, der Schriftsteller Will Self, die Schauspieler Caroline Katz & Michael Higgs, Comedian Karl Theobald, Burlesque Star Fancy Chance sowie Tim Noble & Sue Webster geben sich ein illustres Stelldichein in der Revuebar - sehenswert!

Und das sagt Nick Cave zu "More News From Nowhere" :

This song has nothing to do with the classic work of utopian fiction (1890) by William Morris. A guy travels aimlessly and endlessly through a kind of horror house of past affairs trying unsuccessfully to get laid.

What interests me most about ‘More News From Nowhere’ is that quite possibly, although I can’t be completely sure, the central character is dead and his story is a just a kind of posthumous bad-trip, a death-trip, so to speak. What alerted me to this was the nifty line “Janet is known to make dead men groan”…

All the usual suspects are there, and I won’t name them all, you can have fun at home working all that if you can be bothered, but suffice to say this is all an elaborate ruse, as after 8 minutes we are at the belated denouement…the terrible sense of vertigo we feel when we realise that each moment we live is rendered obsolete by the next…”technology and women and little children too”

Quelle :

Daniel Miller in Sonic Seducer und DE:BUG

danielmiller_portrait In der aktuellen Juni-Ausgabe des Sonic Seducer (06/2007) findet ihr ein Interview mit Label-Chef Daniel Miller. Redakteur Torsten Schäfer sprach mit dem Mann, der in seinem Leben so ziemlich alles richtig gemacht hat und für die Szene von unschätzbarem Wert ist. Ein sehr informatives Gespräch mit Daniel Miller über Musik, Technik und feindliche Übernahmen führten auch die Kollegen von DE:BUG.

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