XFM : Mute Documentary

MUTE Der Londoner Radiosender XFM hat auf seiner Website eine kleine Dokumentation über MUTE veröffentlicht, welche man sich dort anhören kann.

Daniel Miller, Labelgründer und "Ziehvater" von Depeche Mode, spricht dort über Mute, Depeche Mode, Erasure und mehr. Den ganzen Beitrag findet man HIER

Wer sich die Dokumentation herunterladen möchte, kann alternativ folgenden Link (RAPIDSHARE) benutzen.

Interview mit Vince Clarke auf erasure.de

vince_clarke_2008 Am 30. Mai 2008 führte erasure.de ein Interview mit Vince Clarke, welcher sich derzeit mit Alison Moyet auf grosser "Reconnected"-Tour befindet.

YAZOO befinden sich zum ersten Mal seit 25 Jahren auf Tour und brachten ausserden ein im Mai auf MUTE erschienenes 4-Disc-Box-Set namens "In Your Room" heraus, welches neben zahlreichen Raritäten ausserdem die beiden Alben "Upstairs At Eric’s" und "You And Me Both" in neuem 5.1 Sound enthalten wird ! Das komplette Interview findet ihr HIER

Nick Cave The Bad Seeds : Video zu "More News from Nowhere"

nick_cave_videoclip Das Video zu Nick Caves aktueller Single "More News from Nowhere" wurde in der Londoner Soho Revue Bar gedreht, wie auch schon beim vorigen Video führten die Künstler Iain Forsyth und Jane Pollard Regie.

Peaches Geldof, Beth Orton, der Schriftsteller Will Self, die Schauspieler Caroline Katz & Michael Higgs, Comedian Karl Theobald, Burlesque Star Fancy Chance sowie Tim Noble & Sue Webster geben sich ein illustres Stelldichein in der Revuebar - sehenswert!

Und das sagt Nick Cave zu "More News From Nowhere" :

This song has nothing to do with the classic work of utopian fiction (1890) by William Morris. A guy travels aimlessly and endlessly through a kind of horror house of past affairs trying unsuccessfully to get laid.

What interests me most about ‘More News From Nowhere’ is that quite possibly, although I can’t be completely sure, the central character is dead and his story is a just a kind of posthumous bad-trip, a death-trip, so to speak. What alerted me to this was the nifty line “Janet is known to make dead men groan”…

All the usual suspects are there, and I won’t name them all, you can have fun at home working all that if you can be bothered, but suffice to say this is all an elaborate ruse, as after 8 minutes we are at the belated denouement…the terrible sense of vertigo we feel when we realise that each moment we live is rendered obsolete by the next…”technology and women and little children too”

Quelle : mute.de

EMI beginnt mit den Kündigungen in den USA

EMI Die Entlassungswelle bei EMI Music rollt offenbar bereits. Zunächst
musste eine unbekannte Zahl von Mitarbeitern das Team in den USA verlassen, weil der Major dort eine zentrale Promotionabteilung für alle Labels einrichtet. Diese steht unter der Leitung von Greg Thompson, der im Februar von der Island Def Jam Group zu EMI gewechselt war.

Als Executive Vice President ist Thompson für die Promoteams der
Capitol Music Group (mit den Labels Capitol und Virgin), der Blue Note Label Group und von Caroline zuständig. Auch die Promotionabteilungen der Nashville-Filialen EMI Christian Music Group und Capitol Nashville werden ihre Arbeit mit der Zentrale abstimmen. Thompson berichtet an seiner neuen Wirkungsstätte an Lee Trink, den President der Capitol Music Group.

Wie viele Promoter dieser Umstrukturierung zum Opfer fallen, ist nicht bekannt. EMI unterhielt bislang für die einzelnen Labels eigene Promoteams.

Quelle: musikwoche.de

EMI strukturiert A&R-Arbeit neu

EMI Der Konzernumbau bei der EMI Group geht weiter. Der Traditionsmajor in der Hand von Guy Hands und seiner Investmentfirma Terra Firma fasst bei seiner britischen Niederlassung seine bisher vier A&R-Teams im Frontline-Bereich in zwei Einheiten zusammen. Die Leitung der beiden Units sollen Miles Leonard und Ferdy Unger-Hamilton übernehmen.

Leonard und Unger-Hamilton fungieren damit künftig als President of A&R Labels für Parlophone beziehungsweise Virgin, berichtet das UK-Branchenblatt "Musikweek". Mark Collen, bisher Chef der
Repertoiregruppe Angel Music, und Terry Feldgate, Managing Director von EMI Records, verlieren ihre Posten und sollen neue Aufgaben zugewiesen bekommen.

"Vier Frontline-Teams werden zu zwei zusammengefasst und von den beiden besten A&R-Kräften angeführt", zitiert "Musicweek" eine nicht näher spezifizierte Insiderquelle. Dieser Schritt solle die
Kosteneffizienz im A&R-Bereich verbessern.

Auf die Arbeit der A&R-Teams von EMI Classics und Mute soll die
Entscheidung keine Auswirkung haben. Ausnahme: das Team von Mute soll künftig direkt an den vor kurzem geholten A&R-Chef Nick Gatfield berichten.
Auch bei den Joint Ventures Relentless, Heavenly und DFA soll die Arbeit wie gehabt weitergehen.

Quelle : musikwoche.de

Baur und EMI gehen getrennte Wege

EMI Im Zuge der Umbauarbeiten bei EMI Music Germany verlässt nun Dirk Baur, zuletzt Managing Director der Berliner Kreativzelle Virgin / Labels / Mute, das Unternehmen.

Noch kurz vor dem Jahreswechsel hatte sich die deutsche Niederlassung von EMI Music eine neue Struktur verordnet, die sich statt an Labelzugehörigkeiten an Zielgruppen orientiert. Dabei übernahm Uli Mücke als General Manager Marketing & Promotion die Verantwortung für alle Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Young Pop und Pop/Rock und Stefan Ultsch als General Manager Electrola
die Verantwortung für MOR- und Schlager-Repertoire. Baur hatte sich damals bereit erklärt, die Übergangsphase von Berlin aus zu begleiten.

Diese Phase scheint nun - "mit dem Zusammenschluss aller Labels zum 31. März unter einer konsumentenorientierten Frontlinestruktur", wie es aus Köln heißt - abgeschlossen. Gleiches gilt für die Berliner Büros. Wie MusikWoche auf Nachfrage erfuhr, seien aber auch jetzt noch einige Mitarbeiter des früheren Berliner EMI-Teams für das Unternehmen tätig.

"Dirk hat in den letzten Monaten maßgeblich an der Umsetzung unserer integrierten Frontlinestruktur mitgewirkt", sagte Birgit Adels, President & CEO EMI Music GSA: "Aus familiären Gründen möchte er in Berlin bleiben, um sich neuen beruflichen Herausforderungen zu stellen. Ich bedauere seine Entscheidung außerordentlich und wünsche ihm privat und beruflich nur das Beste."

Quelle : musikwoche.de

EMI Music Germany gibt sich neue Struktur

EMI EMI Music Germany fasst alle Frontline-Labels unter einem Dach
zusammen. Ausgerichtet am Verhalten der Konsumenten entstehen labelübergreifend die drei Abteilungen Young Pop, Pop/Rock und MOR/Schlager.

"Vor dem Hintergrund der diversifizierten Erlebniswelten von
Konsumenten wollen wir unsere Organisation den Marktgegebenheiten anpassen", erklärt Birgit Adels, President & CEO EMI Music Germany/Switzerland/Austria. "Wir richten unsere Struktur entsprechend aus, indem wir unsere Arbeitsweise von einer Label-Orientierung zu einer Zielgruppen-Orientierung entwickeln und Expertisen in den einzelnen Bereichen bündeln."

Unterstützt werde diese strategische Ausrichtung durch die bereits
Anfang 2007 etablierte Consumer Target Unit, in der alle Consumer Services gebündelt würden. Dabei sollen die Funktionen am Standort Berlin in den Standort Köln integriert werden, heißt es aus Köln. Aber Adels hat auch eine gute Nachricht: "Ich freue mich, dass wir elf von 13 Mitarbeitern aus Berlin entsprechende Weiterbeschäftigungsangebote unterbreiten können."

So werde Dirk Baur, General Manager Virgin-Labels-Mute, die
Übergangsphase von Berlin aus begleiten und im Anschluss für neue Aufgaben innerhalb der EMI GSA Region zur Verfügung stehen.

Auch andere Personalien stehen bereits fest. Uli Mücke übernimmt als General Manager Marketing & Promotion die Verantwortung für alle Marketing- und Promotion-Aktivitäten für das lokale und internationale Repertoire von Capitol, Odeon und Virgin/Labels/Mute innerhalb der Divisions Young Pop und Pop/Rock.

Stefan Ultsch übernimmt als General Manager Electrola die A&R wie auch die Verantwortung für die Bereiche Marketing und Promotion beim MOR/Schlager-Repertoire. Beide berichten bis auf Weiteres an Adels.

Quelle: musikwoche.de

Daniel Miller in Sonic Seducer und DE:BUG

danielmiller_portrait In der aktuellen Juni-Ausgabe des Sonic Seducer (06/2007) findet ihr ein Interview mit Label-Chef Daniel Miller. Redakteur Torsten Schäfer sprach mit dem Mann, der in seinem Leben so ziemlich alles richtig gemacht hat und für die Szene von unschätzbarem Wert ist. Ein sehr informatives Gespräch mit Daniel Miller über Musik, Technik und feindliche Übernahmen führten auch die Kollegen von DE:BUG.

Mute Audio Documents [1978 - 1984]

audiobox Die Depeche Mode-Erfolgsgeschichte ist eng mit der des von Daniel Miller 1978 in London gegründentem Indiependent-Labels MUTE RECORDS verbunden.

Daniel Miller war es, der Depeche Mode 1980 im Vorprogramm von Fad Gadget sah und per Handschlag unter Vertrag nahm. Der Rest ist Geschichte und den Depeche Mode-Fans natürlich bekannt.

Daniel Miller hat mit MUTE RECORDS wie kein zweiter das Musikbusiness der letzten 30 Jahren geprägt. Auf kaum einem anderen Label hat sich eine derart große Anzahl einflussreicher Bands und Künstler versammelt. Dabei hat er nie vergessen, dass die Münze der Medallie zwei Seiten hat. Nicht nur vielversprechende Bands wie Depeche Mode, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds oder Moby nahm der Brite und Musikfanatiker unter Vertrag, sondern auch kontroverse und richtungsweisende Formationen wie D.A.F., NON, BOYD RICE oder die EINSTUERZENDE NEUBAUTEN. MUTE RECORDS ist Tonkunst für die Massen, aber auch für Randgruppen, welcher das Label mit der Veröffentlich der “MUTE AUDIO DOCUMENTS” nun eine ausführliche Retrospektive widmet.

Von Selbstbeweihräucherung fehlt bei der 10-CD-Box, welche sämtliche Singles aus den frühen Jahren 1978-1984 und jede Menge rares Material versammelt, dennoch jede Spur. Man ist sich allerdings seines musikhistorischen Wertes, seiner Geschichte und der Bedeutung seiner Künstler bewusst. Diese Veröffentlichung dürfte also nicht nur eingefleischten Depeche Mode-Fans am Herzen liegen. Es ist vielmehr eine längs überfällige Werkschau für Freunde von Musik, denn…GUTE MUSIK IST BESSER !

"MUTE AUDIO DOCUMENTS" [10CD-Box-Set] erscheint am 1. Juni 2007.

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 1 [1978-1981] CD1

01. The Normal - T.V.O.D
02. The Normal - Warm Leatherette
03. Silicon Teens - Memphis Tennessee
04. Silicon Teens - Let’s dance
05. Fad Gadget - Back to Nature
06. Fad Gadget - The Box
07. Silicon Teens - Judy in Disguise
08. Silicon Teens - Chip’n Roll
09. Fad Gadget - Ricky’s Hand
10. Fad Gadget - Handshake
11. D.A.F. - Kebabträume
12. D.A.F. - Gewalt
13. NON - Soundtrack 1
14. NON - Soundtrack 2
15. NON - Soundtrack 3
16. NON - Mode of Infection
17. NON - Knife Ladder
18. Smegma - Can’t look straight
19. Smegma - Flashcards
20. Fad Gadget - Insecticide
21. Fad Gadget - Fireside Favourites

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 1 [1978-1981] CD2

01. Silicon Teens - Just like Eddy
02. Silicon Teens - Sun Flight
03. Robert Rental - Double Heart
04. Robert Rental - On Location
05. D.A.F - Tanz mit mir
06. D.A.F - Der Räuber und der Prinz
07. Depeche Mode - Dreaming of me
08. Depeche Mode - Ice Machine
09. Boyd Rice - Side A Track 2
10. Boyd Rice - Side B Track 1
11. Fad Gadget - Make Room
12. Fad Gadget - Lady Shave
13. Depeche Mode - New Life
14. Depeche Mode - Shout
15. Depeche Mode - Just can’t get enough
16. Depeche Mode - Any Second now

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 2 [1982] CD1

01. NON - Rise
02. NON - Out out out
03. NON - Romance Fatal Dentro De Un Auto
04. Depeche Mode - See you
05. Depeche Mode - Now this is fun
06. Fad Gadget - Saturday Night Special (Special Mix)
07. Fad Gadget - Swallow it (live)
08. Die Doraus und die Marinas - Fred vom Jupiter
09. Die Doraus und die Marinas - Even home is not nice anymore
10. NON - Physical evidence
11. NON - Man kills self white cleaning gun
12. Fad Gadget - King of the flies
13. Fad Gadget - Plain Clothes
14. Depeche Mode - The meaning of love
15. Depeche Mode - Oberkorn (It’s a small town)

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 2 [1982] CD2

01. Yazoo - Only You
02. Yazoo - Situation
03. Liaisons Dangereuses - Los Niños Del Parque
05. Yazoo - Don’t Go
06. Yazoo - Winter Kills
07. Fad Gadget - Life On The Line
08. Fad Gadget - 4m
09. Depeche Mode - Leave In Silence
10. Depeche Mode - Excerpt From: My Secret Garden
11. Yazoo - The Other Side Of Love
12. Yazoo - Ode To Boy
13. Fad Gadget - For Whom The Bells Toll
14. Fad Gadget - Love Parasite

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 3 [1983] CD1

01. Depeche Mode - Get The Balance Right!
02. Depeche Mode - The Great Outdoors
03. Duet Emmo - Or So It Seems
04. Duet Emmo - Heart Of Hearts (Or So It Seems)
05. Robert Görl - Mit Dir
06. Robert Görl - Berührt Verführt
07. Yazoo - Nobody’s Diary
08. Yazoo - State Farm
09. Depeche Mode - Everything Counts
10. Depeche Mode - Work Hard

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 3 [1983] CD2

01. Fad Gadget - I Discover Love
02. Fad Gadget - Lemmings On Lover’s Rock
03. Depeche Mode - Love In Itself.2
04. Depeche Mode - Fools
05. The Assembly - Never Never
06. The Assembly - Stop Start
07. The Birthday Party - Jennifer’s Veil
08. The Birthday Party - Mutiny In Heaven
09. The Birthday Party - Swampland
10. The Birthday Party - Say A Spell

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 4 [1984] CD1

01. Einstuerzende Neubauten - Tanz Debil
02. Einstuerzende Neubauten - Kalte Sterne
03. Fad Gadget - Collapsing New People
04. Fad Gadget - Spoil The Child
05. Robert Görl - Darling Don’t Leave Me
06. Robert Görl - A Ist Wieder Da
07. Depeche Mode - People Are People
08. Depeche Mode - In Your Memory
09. Fad Gadget - One Man’s Meat
10. Fad Gadget - Sleep (Electro-Induced Original)

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 4 [1984] CD2

01. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - In The Ghetto
02. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Moon Is In The Gutter
03. I Start Counting - Letters To A Friend
04. I Start Counting - Adman’s Dream
05. Bruce Gilbert - U, Mu, U - Bruce Gilbert
06. Bruce Gilbert - Here Visit
07. Depeche Mode - Master And Servant
08. Depeche Mode - (Set Me Free) Remotivate Me
09. Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours
10. Depeche Mode - Somebody (Remix)
11. Extraction 2 - Boyd Rice/Frank Tovey/Boyd Rice
12. Extraction 7 - Boyd Rice/Frank Tovey/Boyd Rice

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 5 [Rarities] CD1

01. The Normal & Robert Rental - Live At West Runton Pavilion
02. Boyd Rice - Side A Track 1 - 33RPM
03. Boyd Rice - Side A Track 1 - 45RPM
04. Boyd Rice - Side B Track 2 - 33RPM
05. Boyd Rice - Side B Track 2 - 45RPM
06. Fad Gadget - King Of The Flies (Live)
07. Frank Tovey (Fad Gadget) - I Discover Love (Live)
08. Fad Gadget - The Ring (Live)
09. Fad Gadget - Love Parasite (Live)

Mute Audio Documents : Volume 5 [Rarities] CD2

01. Depeche Mode - Excerpt From: My Secret Garden
02. Depeche Mode - Shout (Live in London “Hammersmith” - 25.10.1982)
03. Depeche Mode - Photographic (Live in London “Hammersmith” - 25.10.1982)
04. Depeche Mode - Somebody (Live in Liverpool “Empire Theatre” - 29.09.1984)
05. Depeche Mode - Ice Machine (Live in Liverpool “Empire Theatre” - 29.09.1984)
06. Yazoo - Bring Your Love Down (David Jansen BBC Session)
07. Yazoo - In My Room (David Jansen BBC Session)
08. Yazoo - Winter Kills (Live)
09. Yazoo - Don’t Go (Live)
10. Yazoo - Situation (Live)
11. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - From Her To Eternity (John Peel BBC Session)

Interview mit Daniel Miller auf planbmag.com

Das englischsprachige "Music and culture magazine PLAN B" führte anlässlich der Veröffentlichung der MUTE BOX ein Interview mit Daniel Miller. Viel Spass beim Lesen !

Words: Louis Pattison



In 1977, a London film school graduate acquired a budget synthesiser and made a record that would plot a vector for the future of electronic pop. Plan B meets Daniel Miller, voice of The Normal and Silicon Teens, and architect of Mute Records.

In these archival pieces, you're supposed to start by wondering how some specific seminal tracksounded back in the dark days of 19-blahdy-blah.Not necessary here. I’ll bet you the debut seven inch by The Normal, ‘TVOD/Warm Leatherette’ –released in an initial run of 500 in 1977, on what at the time was somewhat ambitiously named Mute Records – surely sounds as stark, and as terrifying, and as exciting today as it ever did.

On ‘TVOD’, primitive percussion cracks like a chain across your back, as a desiccated voice relates a Tetsuo-style body horror nightmare:“I don’t need a TV screen/Just stick the aerial into my vein”. ‘Warm Leatherette’ is better still. Based ~on JG Ballard’s 1973 techno-porn novel Crash, it’s a landmark in electronic deviancy: human coitus conducted in the cocoon of a mangled vehicle, a fantasy salvaged from the wreckage-strewn lay-by of the human unconscious.

The voice of The Normal was a film school graduate from London named Daniel Miller. Miller, a twenty-something Krautrock fan, was not your obvious candidate for a road-to-Damascus punk conversion. More accurately, the creation of The Normal can be attributed to the collision of two independent factors: the new economy of DIY labels, as practised by The Buzzcocks, Scritti Politti, et al; and the new availability of a budget synthesiser, the Korg 700.

The Normal would only last the one single, but the shockwaves from ‘TVOD/Warm Leatherette’ reshaped Mute Records from conceptual fantasy to production line reality. It became the home of several early synthesizer visionaries – Fad Gadget, Robert Rental, occultist noise villain Boyd Rice – and, come Mute’s second generation, a broader dynasty of extremists, rock refuseniks and eventually, global pop stars.

Late March 2007. Sat in a fresh office overlooking the soon-to-be-demolished Hammersmith Palais in west London, the 56-year old Daniel Miller appears – as any still-successful label boss must –not overly preoccupied with the past. Right now, he’s enamoured by London’s Underage Club, an under-18s club run by Barry Seven from Add N To X and his 14-year-old son Sam at the Coronet Theatre in Elephant And Castle.

“There’s this band called Pull In Emergency who are just about to put out a seven-inch record,”he beams. “They’re 13-, 14-year-old kids, and they’re in touch with bands their age all over the world.”

Unusually for a committed forward-thinker, Miller doesn’t see a kid picking up something as lumpen as a guitar and yawn that it’s all been done before. Rather, he’s fascinated in the power of generational shifts – or more accurately, knows the real future is slippery and uncharitable: it shapes itself.

“Kids don’t seem to care about when a record was made, or how old the band is. They don’t care what genre it is or how the people in it met.” He grins. “You know, Suicide always goes down really well in the clubs. I’m serious. It’s very encouraging.”

So that’s the future. Let’s talk about the past.

You put your address on The Normal sleeve.What sort of mail did you get? Did anyone pickup the deviant, sexual angle?

“Sadly, no – almost from day one, I got fucking demos! That was the shocking thing, because Ididn’t see myself as a record company. I was a blokewho put out a record.”

But presumably in some way it appealed?

“Initially, no. I thought I was going to press 500and go round a few shops like Rough Trade and Small Wonder and just sell them a couple of boxes each. But I went into Rough Trade, saw Geoff Travis and Richard [Scott, of Rough Trade’s distribution arm > and played it to them to see if they wanted tobuy it. They offered to distribute it, and they said I should press 2,000. There was a writer called Jane Suck who worked for Sounds. She got hold of one of the white labels I’d left there, and reviewed it as Single Of The Century, and I was just like ‘Fucking hell, what’s going on?’

“Then I met a guy called Robert Rental at a Throbbing Gristle gig. I’d heard his single and some body introduced us. Separately, we wer e both offered a gig on the first post-punk electronic bill with Throbbing Gristle and Cabaret Voltaire.

"Neither of us felt like doing a solo gig, so we thought we’d do it together. A while later, Edwin Pouncey – or Savage Pencil, the cartoonist at theNME at the time– introduced me to Fad Gadget, who shared a flat with him. His demos were the first I guess Mute became a label when I decided to work with someone else. When I went into the studio with Frank [Tovey, Fad Gadget > to record‘Back To Nature’, it was the first time I’d been in a recording studio.”

Was there a schism between the people who wanted to use synthesiser technology for synth-pop, and the people who wanted to use it to explore, for want of a better word, noise?

“I think there was more of a schism between people who wanted to use synths in any format, and people who hated them. There was a big schism at Rough Trade in the late Seventies. There were two journalists who represented each camp, John Savage and Ian Penman. On one side was Penman, and that musically intricate Scritti Politti, This Heat side of things. And then on the other side was Savage, and Throbbing Gristle and all that. “

"There’s always schisms, though, isn’t there? Because everyone is libertarian and left-wingish, and that area of thinking is always prone to splits. Boyd Rice [of noise outfit NON > , for instance, was a huge pop fan. Loved pop music. Throbbing Gristle, those guys – there were never any issues about it. I did the Silicon Teens project [Mute’s teenage synth band, actually a Miller pseudonym > ;we also had Depeche Mode – and they thought it was fucking great. They may not have liked the music particularly, but they were like, this is cool.If we’d been doing jazzy bass lines and reggae rhythms, there would have been a problem.”

William Bennett of Whitehouse credits you with giving him his first synth…

“I met him while he was still in Essential Logic while I was on a Rough Trade package tour with Essential Logic and Stiff Little Fingers. He really wanted to learn about electronic music and stuff like that. Shortly after the tour finished he left the band and made his first record [Come’s ‘Come Sunday/Shaved Slits’ > , and I played some synth on it.I’ve followed their career, on and off. I remember him as looking like Marc Bolan, or something – a bit of a flower child, with long curly hair. It was a very out-of-place look at the time. He was very young, still finding his way.”

industrial revolutions

The early Eighties was the era of Rock AgainstRacism, but bands like DAF and Laibach purposefully played with Fascist or political iconography. Did you have pressure put on you by movements like RAR?

“I didn’t really. Obviously, we weren’t part of Rock Against Racism. And obviously, I supported the principle of it, if not necessarily the method.Later on, there were people who demonstrated outside NON gigs, and they handed out leaflets which were full of lies, and they actually managed to get one gig closed down. I generally have a very libertarian view. Rough Trade, at one point, got very politically correct – overly politically correct for my tastes. I think they banned a Whitehouse record. It was their right to do so, of course, but I didn’t agree with that at all.”

It’s hard to explain the appeal of something like Whitehouse, I think…you either get it or you don’t.

“Well, yes…what can you say? [gestures up at a poster of Laibach, done out in Fascistic regalia >. I suppose it was definitely an anti-corporate thing – at the time we were militantly anti-major. Which I think was healthy at the time, and maybe is still now. Obviously I’m not anti-major because I’m part of a major, but it’s probably still a good attitude totake, as it’s how you forge your own path.”

So what are the politics of Mute?

“It’s complicated. I came from somewhere politically that didn’t necessarily relate to how Mute was politically.I was very involved with student politics. I’ve been political all my life. I was a member of Anti-Apartheid when I was 12. I went to college at the time of the student uprising, and we were on strike a lot of the time. But I didn’t carry a lot of it forward with me. You know, I haven’t necessarily figured out a lot of it myself yet.”

You never really do, do you ?

“I have very strong political beliefs, and they’ve developed over the years. What’s that thing Ken Livingstone said? He came up with a great quote along the lines of, ‘It’s a really good thing to change your opinion’.”

That’s good. It shows flexibility of thinking.

“Sure. The whole political side is interesting, but I haven’t really talked about it that much, not to my contemporaries. It’d be interesting to look at figures like Tony Wilson and Geoff Travis, and have that political discussion again, because I’m not so conscious of it any more. I’ve become more politicised in the last 10 years, simply because of the change in the political climate. All the debates are about nothing these days. There are only two political parties, and the difference between them is slight nuances in their green policy, which is so abstract anyway.”

very friendly

How close are you to your artists? In the Eighties, a lot of Mute’s bands – The Birthday Party, Einstürzende Neubaten, for example – were people on the fringes of society. How did you equate that with the responsibilities of being a label boss?

“The bands that came through that period, that were on the edge, always had members of the band that were more grounded.I don’t think The Birthday Party could have really existed without Mick Harvey, who was kind of the rock – he was Nick Cave’s collaborator, they’d known each other since they were kids. Even Blixa [Bargeld >, for all his kind of outsiderness, he’s actually a very pragmatic, practical German businessman.Me personally, I’m often in the same space as those people on a personal level – I would find it pretty rigorous to hang out with some of them, but on a professional level somehow we’ve managed to get through.”

When you first met Depeche Mode, did you anticipate their future trajectory?

“Of course not. They were obviously a pop band, and I suppose I thought they could be successful. The thing that appealed to me, they were part of the next generation. There was the generation that was me, The Human League, Cabaret Voltaire – we’d been to art school, we’d read Ballard and Phillip K Dick, we were knowing. But this lot were 17, 18, and their references were The Human League, The Normal. They were kids who had £100 and bought a synthesiser, not a guitar. That, to me, was revolutionary. I’d imagined it – that was the idea of the Silicon Teens, and Depeche were the realisation of that idea. They were a great pop band, I thought. But obviously I had no idea – you don’t beyond getting the next lot of records pressed.”

Which Mute artists do you feel were overlooked?

“Fad Gadget was overlooked, really. He was known, but the commercial success he could have had passed him by. Maybe it was too early. Maybe he changed too quickly. He was reinventing all the time, too fast for the audience. Yazoo certainly weren’t overlooked. Nick Cave certainly wasn’t overlooked. Boyd Rice was probably looked at just about the right amount.” [laughs >

Are you still often in contact with Boyd?

“Oh yes, he’s still on the label. He’s a tiki consultant now. ‘Tiki’ – it’s this sort of Hawaaiian, South Sea islands aesthetic. He took over the bar of the Radisson hotel in Denver and turned it into a tiki bar, everyone drinking out of coconuts and really bizarre cocktails. Boyd still makes tons of music and he’s a great guy. He hasn’t changed really – he’s a sweet guy with a great sense of humour.”

That’s funny to hear, given his public persona…

“When people are performing, they aren’t always themselves. That’s not the point. I mean, it’s part of them, it’s not acting – that’s important, there’s some artists who you get the impression are just acting – but that’s not Boyd. I’ve always said that people’s sense of humour is always in direct proportion to the darkness of the music they make. You can have such a laugh with Laibach, and with Boyd, and with Nick. The dark, bone-dry Australian humour, the Eastern European prankster-ish word play – you've got to remember Laibach grew up under a Communist regime, so they've learnt all about how to use words, how to play with words, twist things in a funny way."

You can still get away with stuff in literature that’s forbidden in music.

“That’s because it’s considered low art. Pop music is, anyway. People can’t always see those extra dimensions.If it’s pop it’s got one dimension, so therefore if you’re wearing a Nazi uniform you must be a Nazi. But if you’re an actor standing on a stage in a Nazi uniform, you’re not a Nazi. You know what I mean?”

It’s also to do with rock’s obsession with authenticity, being ‘real’…

“Like, authentic to what? It’s bollocks really. For me, my family were all refugees to this country before the war.They came from Austria, they were actors, and they were very into satire. That had a bit influence on me. My father was a Jew, but he had no qualms about putting on a Nazi uniform, if it was an acting job, and he did it with humour.I hate authenticity. I think we were going to do some sort of ‘Inauthentic for 25 years – Mute Records’ logo.”

Mute are releasing a 10CD compilation,Mute Audio Documents, which compiles the label’s first six years of singles.

You get a weird feeling listening to it: not how much the label has changed, but how much it’s stayed the same. How echoes of viciousness and lust, fizzing wires and the strange frequencies still ripple through the most recent Mute releases – Throbbing Gristle’s The Endless Not, Maps’ We Can Create, Motor’s Unhuman.

This, here, is fake DIY: inauthentic ‘til death.

Daniel Miller - Interview in der aktuellen SPEX

danielmiller_portrait Wer über die Geschichte von Popmusik der vergangenen 30 Jahre spricht, der kommt an Daniel Miller nicht vorbei. Bereits 1978 gründete Daniel Miller MUTE RECORDS, teilte sich das Telefon u.a. mit den Betreibern des heute ebenso legendären Plattenladens und Labels Rough Trade und hatte wenig später mit FAD GADGET und DEPECHE MODE die ersten Künstler per Handschlag und 50/50-Deal unter Vetrag.

In SPEX sprach Daniel Miller über die 30-jährige Geschichte des heute Major-Label-Ablegers MUTE RECORDS, über Label-Deals, seine Arbeit als A&R und über sein Projekt der Silicon Teens, mit dem er schon Anfang der 1980er Jahre die Blaupause für heutige 8-Bit-Musik entwarf.

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