Nick Cave The Bad Seeds : Video zu "More News from Nowhere"

nick_cave_videoclip Das Video zu Nick Caves aktueller Single "More News from Nowhere" wurde in der Londoner Soho Revue Bar gedreht, wie auch schon beim vorigen Video führten die Künstler Iain Forsyth und Jane Pollard Regie.

Peaches Geldof, Beth Orton, der Schriftsteller Will Self, die Schauspieler Caroline Katz & Michael Higgs, Comedian Karl Theobald, Burlesque Star Fancy Chance sowie Tim Noble & Sue Webster geben sich ein illustres Stelldichein in der Revuebar - sehenswert!

Und das sagt Nick Cave zu "More News From Nowhere" :

This song has nothing to do with the classic work of utopian fiction (1890) by William Morris. A guy travels aimlessly and endlessly through a kind of horror house of past affairs trying unsuccessfully to get laid.

What interests me most about ‘More News From Nowhere’ is that quite possibly, although I can’t be completely sure, the central character is dead and his story is a just a kind of posthumous bad-trip, a death-trip, so to speak. What alerted me to this was the nifty line “Janet is known to make dead men groan”…

All the usual suspects are there, and I won’t name them all, you can have fun at home working all that if you can be bothered, but suffice to say this is all an elaborate ruse, as after 8 minutes we are at the belated denouement…the terrible sense of vertigo we feel when we realise that each moment we live is rendered obsolete by the next…”technology and women and little children too”

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